Computer engineer who is extremely passionate about Arabic language.

I am currently undertaking an MSc in Speech and Natural Language Processing at the University of Edinburgh. My field involves getting computers to analyze, produce, translate, and understand human language in the form of text or speech using machine learning technologies. Also, I am volunteering as the representative of my MSc cohort.

Dissertation topic: Self-supervised learning of speech representations across languages. Supervised by Professor Peter Bell.

Before that, I received my bachelor in computer engineering from Assiut University where I graduated with excellence with honors. My graduation project was on computer vision and robotics, and my main role was developing algorithms to segment an image using C++ (from scratch, no computer vision libraries were used).
Other than that, I am interested in art, specifically 3D animation.

You can check my CV Here


Feel free to contact me via email, linked in, or follow me on twitter :)

Mail :
Twitter: @AhmedH_N
Linked in : in/ahmedhamdy3