Artificial Intelligence

Personalized Learning

One of the most valuable indicators about teaching quality at universities is the Student-to-Faculty ratio which is the number of students per one member of staff. The lower the number the better because lower number of students enables the tutor to be more focused and give detailed feedback.

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About My Blog

I made this blog to share my thoughts on Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Natural Language Processing, and Arabic Language.

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Personalized Learning

One of the most valuable indicators about teaching quality at universities is the Student-to-Faculty ratio which is the number of students per one member of staff. The lower the number the better because lower number of students enables the tutor to be more focused and give detailed feedback.

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Personalized Learning

One of the most valuable indicators about teaching quality at universities is the Student-to-Faculty ratio which is the number of students per one member of staff. The lower the number the better because lower number of students enables the tutor to be more focused and give detailed feedback.

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